Multidisciplinary theatre
Available in Catalan, Spanish, Basque, French, German, English, Norwegian
Recommended audience age for family performances: 6 years and upwards
Recommended audience age for school performances: 8 years and upwards
Performance running time: 50’
With text. Available in Catalan, Spanish, French.
Actors’ number: 2
Technicians’ number: 1, in scene
Optimal assembly time: 4h45’
Optimal disassembly time: 2h45’
Optimal stage measures: 9m width (+1’5 of wings on each side) x 8m depth x 4m height
Minimal stage measures: 7m width (+1’5 of wings on each side) x 5m depth x 4m height
We could make a technical sheet implementation to your scenic space to start from its characteristics.
Premiere: 15/01/2011 – Teatre Bartrina, Reus, Catalonia
Prize for the Best Adapted Theatre-Play, FETEN, Gijón, Spain, 2012
Prize for the Best Show, Amigos de Titeremurcia, Murcia, Spain, 2012
SYNOPSIS The Happy Prince
La Baldufa celebrated 15 years with a new production: The Happy Prince, a story by Oscar Wilde, which the company has started from the conceptual worldview that characterises us and which, under the direction of Jorge Picó, will not leave anyone indifferent.
The Happy Prince is the story of a majestic statue that looks down over a city. The statue is of a Prince who had had an easy, luxurious life, completely unconcerned by what was happening beyond the walls of his castle. Now, he is tied to that immobile, sumptuous statue, bathed in gold and with precious stones. However, he is not happy now. From his privileged hill, he can observe the misery of most of the inhabitants of the city; the poverty of which he was previously unaware now becomes his pain and every night he cries from the impotence of not being able to help them.
One day, a swallow who was flying over the city on his way to Africa, took refuge at the feet of the statute to spend the night there. When she saw the statue’s sadness she felt sorry for him and agreed to help him despite the fact that she did not have long; winter was on its way and she had to emigrate to warmer lands where her fellows swallows were waiting for her.
The swallow, guided by the Prince, took out all the precious materials that covered him to give them to the people who needed them.
A lesson of love and generosity.
Author: Oscar Wilde
Adaptation: Jorge Picó & La Baldufa: Enric Blasi, Emiliano Pardo, Carles Pijuan
Direction: Jorge Picó
Music: Òscar Roig
Lighting design: Anjos Fernández
Sequence design: Sergio Sisqués
Set & costume design: Carles Pijuan
Set construction: Juan Manuel Recio, Xevi Planas, Carles Pijuan
Wardrobe: Teresa Ortega
Voice Over, English version: Lola Casals Sadlier, Jofre Caraben Van Der Meer, Núria Casado
Voice Over, Norwegian version: Frida Solheim Hansen, Harald Nødtvedt, Monika Solheim
Enric Blasi or Emiliano Pardo
Carles Pijuan or Ferran López
Production and Distribution: La Baldufa
CAER – Centre d’Arts Escèniques Reus
IMAC – Ajuntament de Lleida
La Grande Ourse, Scène Conventionnée Jeune Public en Languedoc – Roussillon / Théâtre de Villeneuve les Maguelone
Centre Culturel Pablo Picasso / Scène Conventionnée pour le Jeune Public d’Homécourt
ICIC – Generalitat de Catalunya
Fundació Xarxa d’Espectacle Infantil i Juvenil de Catalunya – La Xarxa
JES – Junges Ensemble Stuttgart
INAEM – Ministerio de Cultura
Institut Ramon Llull
Photography for diffusion: David del Val